We are excited to announce a field trip to the Schoenbrunn Village Colonial Trade Fair for 35 middle school students on Saturday, October 20, 2018. The Fair is located on the actual site of the Delaware Moravian Village in use from 1772 thru 1777. There are 17 reconstructed buildings on their original village site. The village contains the school, meeting house, 4 native round log cabins and 14 square log cabins. During the fair, visitors will be surrounded by 18th century re-enactors and natives displaying their trade goods, music, cooking demonstrations, weaving, with many traders and re-enactors living in the cabins. You will be encounter 18th century medical demonstrations, an 18th century apothecary, musket demonstrations, indentured servant demonstrations, 18th century games and activities and so much more. Join us for an exciting Saturday and immerse yourself in 18th century life on the Ohio frontier during the time period 1750 thru 1789. If time allows, we will also stop at Fort Laurens, the site of Ohio’s only Revolutionary War fort.

Students and staff will be wearing 18th century clothing for the event. The bus will leave Willard at 8:00 AM and pick us up at the band room entrance to the school. Plan to arrive at the school about 7:45 AM. Students may bring money to purchase food at the event but in order to keep costs down for students we will eat lunch of cornbread and stew cooked over the fire at Schoenbrunn. Plan to bring approximately $6.50 for entrance fees into Fort Laurens and Schoenbrunn. As students get on the bus, they will show me that they have their money for the entrance fee.
We hope the students are excited to attend this event! The event is limited to 35 students and will be first come, first serve. To reserve a seat, a student must bring back a signed permission slip by October 11, 2018. Call or email if you have any questions or concerns.
Saturday, October 1, 2018
7:45AM Arrive at school (by the band room)

8:00AM Depart school for Schoenbrunn
10:00AM Arrive at Schoenbrunn
12:00PM Lunch in the Col. Crawford Camp
3:00PM Load the bus
3:15PM Depart Willard
5:30PM Arrive at school (by the band room)
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