Sunday, October 29, 2017

Senior projects are coming up quick, even as quick as this upcoming Saturday. November 4, Emily Bentz will be hosting a Sock Hop. What is a Sock Hop you may ask yourself? Well, I’ll tell you. A Sock Hop is basically a fundraiser for the Clock Tower Project. This project is to restore the old clock tower that used to sit among the old City Hall building.  Did I mention she is doing this all by herself?
The Sock Hop will be a 50’s dance that will include many activities. These activities include a 50’s drive in, a 25 cent Hoola Hoop Contest, a 50’s diner, live music,  50/50 raffle and even a cardboard box car contest ages 10 & under, which is a 2 dollar entry fee at the door. There is also food for purchase. These activities seem spectacular. I would have never came up with such an intellectual yet fun project.
The project will be at 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm at the Christian Alliance Church, 1608 Conwell Avenue, Willard, Ohio 44890. If you would like to get to know more about this fundraiser you cand find it on facebook  @ClockTowerSockHopFundraiser  or you can visit her website ( All of these proceeds go towards this project. Anyone can come and enjoy this great Senior Project.
The paper behind the scene of the project is all about importance of restoring historical culture and heritage. She believes it is important to push students to be creative and for them to be able to share intellectual interests with individuals. She had picked this project because she has always loved heritage and culture. She also enjoyed that she will be able to bring the community together for a good cause. Emily researched how heritage culture affects us as humans and the changes it brings. She also researched what it is, because a lot of people do not comprehend what is being said.
I encourage everyone to visit this Sock Hop, not only due to it being a good cause but, because it will be loads of fun and entertainment to come together with your community and get to know the people in it.

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