Monday, September 11, 2017

September 11 updates


         Image result for willard flashes  

Hello, Flashes. Welcome to today's issue of Flashes Times Junction. Today I'm not only going to be talking about things going on in school but what today means and represents.

            Don't forget tomorrow there is an art club meeting. For everyone participating in girls basketball, there are going to open gyms and weights held after school. See Mr. Dawson for more details. If you're interested in the academic challenge, there will be a meeting after school on Wednesday in Mr. von Kamps room after school. Also, if you're interested in writing for this paper, please see Makena Northcutt, for details. Mr. von Kamp and I would like to have 8th graders, 7th graders, and 6th graders to participate in the newspaper, see Mr. von Kamp of myself for more details.

           Today is a sad day for America. Today there was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers. It happened at approximately 8:46 a.m. A hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11, crashed into the North Tower. The hole left in the building caused a fire. Unfortunately, everyone on flight 11, was killed. Shortly after, the South Tower was hit by flight 175. The whole city was in shock.Unfortunately, everyone on flight 175 was killed. These horrific attacks killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000. The attacks were the first terrorist attacks on US soil.The fourth and final plane crashed in StonycreekTownship near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The people on flight 93, had heard about the attacks on the World Trade Centers, and the Pentagon, took over the flight. Flight 93 was intended to hit the White House. Thank the Lord for the brave heroes on flight 93. 9/11 is the deadliest incidents for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed respectively. Let's all take a moment and thank the brave souls of flight 93, and all of the firefighters, police officers and everyone affected by these horrific attacks. So a huge thank you to all of the firefighters and officials that were helping people on 9/11.
                                             Go Willard Flashes.!!
                                                                       -Makena Northcutt.

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