Saturday, September 30, 2017

Student of the Month

for September is proudly presented to

Ricardo Gomez-Santos

Ricardo deserves this honor, because not only is he an outstanding classmate and a student of integrity, but also an incredible teammate and hard worker. He is always willing to help his classmates by loaning them supplies or trying to brighten their days when they need a lift. He brightens the classroom with his persistent smile and off-the-wall attempts at humor. He is respectful to his teachers and gives his best effort. Ricardo is an excellent example for his classmates and embodies what Flashes Pride should be.

September student of the month for 6th grade

September Student Of The Month
The student of the month I would proudly like to present is Grant Adams! Grand has done an excellent job transitioning into the sixth grade. He is demonstrating Flashes Pride by being respectful of all his teachers and classmates. Grant is demonstrating excellent in his work and his determination to complete his assignments well and on time. He also has a great attitude in class and conducts himself with integrity as he not only participates in class, but is able to speak intelligently and enhance class discussions. Keep up the great work Grant… and continue to demonstrate that FLASHES PRIDE!

Student of the Month

for September is proudly presented to

Naomi Schag

Naomi is a hard working young lady who is excelling in all academic classes. 
In addition to all her academic success,
Naomi is a caring individual who is always willing to help others.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

September 20th Updates

            Image result for willard flashesHey, Flashes. Welcome to today's issue of Flashes Junction. How are you guys today? Hopefully you all are having a great day.
               Have you guys seen the movie Sing. If not, you have a FREE chance too. On Saturday, September 23, 2017, they are playing Sing. At the high school Auditeria. You should bring your family. The best part is, popcorn is provided! Additional snacks are available for purchase as well.
So you should come and support our school! :)
               For those of us in Art Club, there are meetings after school on Tuesdays after school. If you haven't joined, we are doing super awesome projects. The meetings last until 4:30. Please see Ms. Smith for more information.
                If you're interested in school Newspaper, see me (Makena Northcutt) or Mr. von Kamp. You should really join. We need photographers, writers, and some other positions that need filled.
                Academic Challenge meetings are after school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. If you want to improve your academic skills, you should totally join. It's really fun, so why not join?
                          Have an amazing day!
                                                                                   Go Willard Flashes!!! :)
                                                                                    -Makena Northcutt :)

Monday, September 11, 2017

September 11 updates


         Image result for willard flashes  

Hello, Flashes. Welcome to today's issue of Flashes Times Junction. Today I'm not only going to be talking about things going on in school but what today means and represents.

            Don't forget tomorrow there is an art club meeting. For everyone participating in girls basketball, there are going to open gyms and weights held after school. See Mr. Dawson for more details. If you're interested in the academic challenge, there will be a meeting after school on Wednesday in Mr. von Kamps room after school. Also, if you're interested in writing for this paper, please see Makena Northcutt, for details. Mr. von Kamp and I would like to have 8th graders, 7th graders, and 6th graders to participate in the newspaper, see Mr. von Kamp of myself for more details.

           Today is a sad day for America. Today there was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers. It happened at approximately 8:46 a.m. A hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11, crashed into the North Tower. The hole left in the building caused a fire. Unfortunately, everyone on flight 11, was killed. Shortly after, the South Tower was hit by flight 175. The whole city was in shock.Unfortunately, everyone on flight 175 was killed. These horrific attacks killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000. The attacks were the first terrorist attacks on US soil.The fourth and final plane crashed in StonycreekTownship near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The people on flight 93, had heard about the attacks on the World Trade Centers, and the Pentagon, took over the flight. Flight 93 was intended to hit the White House. Thank the Lord for the brave heroes on flight 93. 9/11 is the deadliest incidents for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed respectively. Let's all take a moment and thank the brave souls of flight 93, and all of the firefighters, police officers and everyone affected by these horrific attacks. So a huge thank you to all of the firefighters and officials that were helping people on 9/11.
                                             Go Willard Flashes.!!
                                                                       -Makena Northcutt.

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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Your Daily Update By: Makena Northcutt


Good morning/afternoon, flashes. Welcome to today's issue of the Flashes Times Junction. Today I have good news, our 7th-grade volleyball team came out with a win last night. Our 8th-grade volleyball team came out with a win as well. Our 8th-grade girls beat Norwalk in two games. The score of the first game was 25-14. The second game was 25-11. Awesome job Lady Flashes, keep it up, girls!
The election is today. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite candidates. You can vote before school, after school, or during lunch. Just a reminder you cannot vote during class time or Flashtime. The voting will be held in the Cyber Cafe. Don’t forget to vote!
For anyone in Art club, there is a meeting on Thursday. The meeting will be held in the Art room as usual. The meeting will be from 2:30-4:30.
For anyone interested in purchasing tickets to the football game this Friday night, go to for more information. These tickets are available for $5. At the game on Friday, the tickets will be $6. So save your money and order early. You can purchase these tickets until noon, on Friday.
Today’s lunch is pizza-variety, carrots, and mixed fruits.
Have an amazing day!! ^-^
Go Willard Flashes!!!!! :)   
By: Makena Northcutt

Friday, September 1, 2017

The First Few Days of School

The first few days of school can always be nerve wracking. New people, new teachers, new classes. Everything! Yet at the same time, it’s really exciting for all the same reasons! I mean, yeah, I know school has its moments but you can always get something good out of it. Getting to know new friends and new teachers is always a good start to the school year.
On my first day of 8th grade I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know if any of my friends would be in my classes or if I would like my teachers. After a few months off it was hard to wake up so early in the morning again. As for most, they experienced the same things as I did. Normally it doesn’t take too long for kids to get back in the swing of things at school. We all remember the routines of changing classes, going to lunch and specials as we did the years before. Not much has changed but we are constantly learning new things every single day!

September 1st updates.

Hello, welcome to the Flashes Times Junction. Good news, our 7th/8th-grade football team came out with a win against Shelby last night. The final score for the football game was 48-14. The top scorers in last night's game included Dario, Carlos, Dylan, and Carson. Great job Flashes.
Unfortunately, our 8th-grade volleyball team lost in a hard fought two games, against Bellevue last night. Don’t give up Lady Flashes.  
Don’t forget if you're interested student council, ALL papers are due today. (September 1, 2017). Also, make sure you set a reminder in your phone, make a note, do whatever you have to, don’t forget there is an art club meeting today. The meeting is during Flashtime C in Miss. Smith’s art room. So, if you are interested in art club then check out that meeting.
Just a reminder, there is no school, on Monday, September 4, 2017. It’s Labor day. So, sleep in, catch up on some homework, relax, and enjoy the three day weekend.
Today's lunch is cheeseburger, sweet potato fries, and mixed fruit.  
Have an awesome day.
Go Willard Flashes!!